Standard home drug testing kits usually detect illegal substance abuse for only one type of a drug at a time resulting in a failure to accurately assess a teenagers history of drug use. When you are not sure what illicit or illegal substances someone you care about may be abusing, the most important tool you can use is the five panel urine drug test. This multi-substance drug testing kit enables parents with the powerful ability to detect and trace various drugs in their teenagers body, which is vital in the effort to fight off the ever present drug culture and youthful rebellion.

Recent statistical evidence has repeatedly shown that teenagers do not best synthetic urine  simply use one drug at a time with the overwhelming majority combining different substances together to maximize the mood altering affects. A common example would be a teenager who uses ecstasy, or MDMA, at a nightclub or rave and then returning home at the end of the night and smoking marijuana to relax or "come down." As a concerned parent, if you are testing your teen with only a single panel urine test instead of the five panel, you may not gain a clear picture of the extent of their addictive tendencies.

The five panel urine drug testing kit is sanitary, convenient, accurate, FDA approved and has easily read results in only 5 minutes. The five panel drug tests come equipped to detect traces of the 5 most widely abused substances in today's high schools and colleges: marijuana (THC), cocaine (COC), methamphetamine (mAMP), opiates (OPI), and prescription pills (BZO). Able to detect a particular drug for up to 30 days after the last know ingestion, the simplistic visual display of the five panel urine drug test will clearly and accurately produce results you can trust.

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